~ Painful Sunday ~

Last week, I didn't go to church, I think.. I couldn't remember.. This week also the same.. Yesterday woke up a bit late.. Tired, I guess.. Pay back those weekdays sleep.. Hehehehe.. Then at 2 pm something went to my friend's house..Haaaaaaaaaa!! Guess what???! I GOT MYSELF A TATTOO!!!!! Hahahahaha!!! Nice design.. Can't take my eyes off it everytime I  look into the mirror.. It's tattooed just below my back right-shoulder.. Hmmmm.. But now still bear with the pain.. Yesterday during the progress, it didn't feel painful.. Just last night, it was bleeding a bit with those clear blood...Couldn't sleep well last night.. Have to be very careful with my sleeping position.. And have to be very careful with my diet too.. At least for a week.. It needs intensive care for this whole week.. Huhuhuhu... A bit fussy to take care of it, but what to do.. 

Regret??? So far, not at all as I thought of doing it since in high school.. Hehehehe.. At least I have one, just for a "token" for myself... Don't have the intention to show it to people actually.. I'm doing it just for myself....

 And I feel just GREAT!! (^_^)

Pictures??? I only took three or four pictures of it.. Will be updating this post again maybe tomorrow or the next day after tomorrow..

* Brilliant idea *

Start this post with a laugh!!! Hahahahahahaha!!! Enough..hehehe..Remember when there was this one girl proposed Justin Bieber on Youtube through her vid? Justin said YES to her..OMG!!! Then yesterday Davina G. gave me the same idea..hahahaha..Who is the guy?? Of course la Diego Michiels..OMG!!! What a big fan of him I am..hehehe..Gonna think of a plan just to get him adds me on his FB friends list..hihihihi


See..hehehehe..Cute,ha??? He plays well also in football, of course, because he is a football player.. Love his haircuts and his hair style very much...:)


Including today, it's already two days I didn't answer or reply any messages..Feeling so empty, even don't know how to reply messages and what to talk if someone's calling..So, like usual, I don't reply and I don't answer..Unless if it's related to work, then I'll respond..Bad, huh???..hehehe...What to do..This is just me, being the real me.....I will reply if I want to..and I will only answer if I like to talk...

WORK TODAY: I feel sleepy..really wish I was at home right now...sleeping...I guess the medicine that I took last nite made me feel a bit tired and weak...Too bad for me..Not feeling healthy at all..Blood problem, I guess...should have gone to hospital for medical check-up, but didn't go..Don't feel like to go...Should get some sleep later after reach home..

LIFE: I'm hoping that there will be a good news this weekend..this is the only hope..crossing-finger for this one..Amen. Everything goes well so far..hope everything will turn out well next year too...Why I feel so numb since the last two days?....Don't know why....

Just to spice up my day, listening to this song...Making me smile..at least I SMILE than nothing at all....Have good day!

He is truly "SOMETHING"

Who is he?? Who else??? The MAMAK laaaaaaaaa!!!!! Hahahaha..Last nite was loafing at Islamic Cafe at Kota Sentosa...shortly after arrived at the cafe, the waiter welcomed us..

Very warrrrmmmmm welcome laaaahhhh dengan ayat power yang pertama,
 " Ya duduk duduk..Dalam boleh, luar pun boleh.."...

Wahhhhhh, we already tersenyum senyum...Gave the waiter a niceeeeeeeee smile :) They took our orders..bla bla bla..looking at the cook, terus

Susie kata," OMG! He's back after3 months holiday!"..
Maureen," Macam mana kakak tau dia bercuti??"..
Me also,"Hah???Tau tau jer orang bercuti 3 bulan.."

Looking around then we realized why many middle age people loafing at the mamak today?? Where were those youngsters??? Hahahaha...Makin ramai orang datang, makin kerap lah we people heard the waiters kept on saying the ayat power,"DALAM BOLEH, LUAR PUN BOLEH!:) "...hahahaaaaa... Not bad, good promo,actually...Besides, we also mengajuk the waiter..So whenever customers came, kami orang pun apalagi, "DALAM BOLEH, LUAR PUN BOLEH!"...Tak sakit hati ke mamak tu??Hahahaaa..They also senyum senyum listened to us..Jangan marah,Mamak..Main-main saja..Sambil makan, sambil ketawa..apa punya orang laaaaaaaaa....

Syok syok makan, terdengar pula si Tukang Masak asked his customer, 
(The three of us terus diam..mula senyum, tahan senyum dengar soalan mamak itu)
The customer, with his blurry face and that controversial question, thinking silently then after one to two minutes, he answered,

Apalagi kami tiga, terus laughing..Alamakkkk!!!! Apa ke bodohnya he answered that Mamak...Kahkahkahkah!!! (By the way, Tapau and bungkus is the same thing..it means "Take Away"..One in Malay,one in Chinese..)
The whole nite we were joking about it..Tapau atau bungkus???? That mamak is really "SOMETHING"!!! Amai belik laki nyak di kemelik oleh si Mamak nyak..Mamak nyak nyu rising rising jak gamal ya ninga laki nyak nyaut soalan power si Mamak....

When things are going well for you.....and it's all about BOOKS.

When things are going well for you, be GLAD and when trouble comes, just REMEMBER: " GOD SENDS BOTH HAPPINESS AND TROUBLE, YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN NEXT..."

Nice, ha...I still keep this on my phone..Whenever I feel sad, I just read it over and over again..and it made me smile again..:) I'm currently on the book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad"..very classic Bestseller of all time, isn't it..I remember my Physics teacher, Mr.Phang, kept on telling us to read that book when I was in Form 4..Sangat top lah that book during the time ( I was head over heel with Charles Dickens' books during this time)..hehehe..but I never bother to read it until last Saturday..found the book at my friend's cousin's house..Then asked to borrow..hehehe... So far, the book is interesting...and that Kim by Rudyard Kipling, I haven't finish reading it..Terpaksa bah I read that book because of Pandu Puteri..Adoiii!!! I read all the books by Enid Blyton..The best ever, I guess...Hahaha..budak-budak,bah...ngeeeeeeeee :)

See these series by Enid Blyton that I've read, I've completed some series, some not yet:
1.The Naughtiest Girls series
2.The Five Find-Outers
3.The Adventure series
4.The Young Adventures series
5.Five Run Away Together
6.The Famous Five series........

Among those, I've completed the no.6 because the library have all the books for the series..Yeaaahhhh!!! Hahaha!!! Love it the most! The no.3, not completed..sad...huhuhu..I've completed the no.1 too..hehehe..the best Girl's stories ever, I guess..hehehe

I've read all those Nancy Drew too..written by many artistes but the series still among the best..I don't watch the movie because the books are more interesting...The Hardy Boys too..Eeeeeee...I really really love them all..huhuhu...I like Emily Dickinson, her poems..but the problem with her poems is that they are mostly about death..Hah???!!! Seriously, mostly about death..Besides they only found her writings after her death..sangat ironic kannnnnnnn...

By the way, for all my life, the most best writing still goes to Charles Dickens...Yeahhh!!!! Love him very much!

I need time and space

Today feel a bit sleepy..dunno why lately so easily get allergy to food especially seafood...due to the weather, I guess..and sensitive skin..and it's just there in the blood too..pity me..guess need to get an injection this week..haven't get any of it this year...last night went to MBO to watch Ombak Rindu..light story board, sad, happily ever after (not really because the sequel will be out soon..)... I cried in the cinema...turned left, turned right, looked back, looked front, everyone was crying..hahahaha..me too, but since I saw people cried, I felt funny and started to laugh..hihihihi..how come???? hehehehe....nevermind, but for the movie, two thumbs up..guess will be going again somewhere in this week to watch it again..ngggeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Today working..I need to go to the bank to open up new saving account with new bank because my new workplace requires me to do so..probably will go tomorrow..Me??? I need time to be alone and I need some space..Don't burden me with the question such as "I like u and love u..can u be my girlfriend" and so whatever.. I just don't want to attach and have commitment with people..I just feel so comfortable now..Just don't ruin everything.. This time I'll be a bit selfish toward myself.. I just don't want to take care of people..I want to take care of myself...There will come the time where I can say yes but the case is that I still haven't meet the right one..For now, it will just be me, myself, my work and my friends only..Oh,yaaaaa!! My family too...

Me, myself and I...my Heart vs. my Brain

Kahkahkahkah!!! This happen most of the time... How to avoid it???..Sik dapat nak...huhuhuhu...boring boring cam tok, post jak lah apa apa kat blog tok...daripada otak ku sik berfikir, bagus polah benda cam tok..tapi ada juak masalahnya..dah sign in kelak, sik juak tauk apa nak ditaip..ngok na juak!!! Hahahaha...

Me, myself and I...my Heart vs. my Brain 5


1. I dunno how to eat using chopstick.. seriously say this one.. hahahahaha!!! I did try to use and learn it at home, but so keruk (keruk means keras)... Nak juga cuba guna, but I just cannot laaaaaaaahhhhhh... So, everytime at kedai, kalau nak makan mi, awal-awal me pesan to the tauke, "Beri saya fork and spoon nanti,ok!hehehe.."

2. Manglish!!! I can't get rid of the words like "lah", "ha", "ho", "kan", "leh", "bah",..what else???? I can control the usage of those words when I speak, but if I write or sms, I just can't lah... Feel like something is missing if don't add those words...(^_^)~~~

3. When I say I hate you, sometimes I really mean it...not sometimes, but most of the times... If I don't like something, I just don't like it... Unless something happens that can change my view on seeing and knowing the things... keras hati betulllll.. same thing when I say I feel empty... kepala batu...

4. At this moment, this very moment when I type here, I'm at work..nothing to do,bahhhhh... Feeling so sleepy..teringin jak hati eksen eksen tumbang, pas ya terus tido..hahahaha!!! Good idea to practic at home, but not at work... Please laaaaaa........

5. My heart wants to tell many things but my brain just does not want to cooperate.. My brain says,"Tired lah to compose all the sentences and words.. You think easy,haaaa???"
My heart replies,"Please laaaaaaa...."
My brain says,"Taik ko tok...huh..."
There goes the two.... Sikda juak hasil benda nak ditaip...

6. My heart wants to listen to ballad songs, but my brain keeps on singing that Neon Trees - Your Surrender....

Before I mencarut entah apa apa, baik I log out....

Long weekend......

See these: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday...lama kan???...
Let's recall back those four @ 4 days...

Friday: 8am till 5pm, of coz laaa working...apa yang saya buat balik hari tu,yerrr???Couldn't remember much..tido kot..

Saturday: I woke up at 11am..rasa best sangat tido..bangun pun semadi jak ada kawan sms..terus tak jadi tido..ish ish ish..then at 12pm, kakak fetch me..ada kawan datang dari KL..to be specific, saudara kakak yang datang..went to rumah family angkat, lepak lepak kejap, then at 3pm,ambik si Lingesh di airport..Si Lingesh on the way nak usha si kakak..hahahahaha..sanggup datang Kuching..ish ish, geleng kepala jak lah...pas ambik si Lingesh, pegi ambik Alice..nak crita lagi ke??? malas I want to type..Pendek kata, that day sangat packed..Oh,ya! We went to watch movie, The Immortals..best gilerr cerita tuuuuuuuu..Must Watch Movie!!!..went home fetch mak angkat around 12am, then went for supper at McD airport..end of story..

Sunday: Woke up at 9am something...hehohehoheho...went jalan-jalan with my abang around 12.30pm....went to Boulevard with him..teman him beli barang for his ehem-ehem..hehehe..2 hours plus pusing-pusing Boulevard just to find that barang..addduhhhhhhhh...nasib baik he belanja McD after that..hahaha..2nd McD treat of the week!!! Yeayyy!!!..Thanks, bro! You're the best lahhh!!! :) Then,petang went to Pizza Hut before hantar si Lingesh back to airport..then me went to my own home..home sweet home...jumpa mak..aaaahhhhhhhhhh..nice to be back home...terharu jak rasa..hehehe..tido around 12am...

Monday: I woke up at 12.30pm, bangun untuk makan tengahari jak..an hour after that, I continued to sleep till 6pm..Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!! Satu pencapaian yang amat membanggakan!!! hahahaha..orang sms me pun I didn't reply..Well, sleeping is more important than anything in this world...hehehe..
Malas nak taip..boring..Diego crushed my feeling..hehehe..ngek betul lelaki itu..huh

Me, myself and I...my Heart vs. my Brain 4

Hmmmmmm...I don't know why I feel so sleepy today...Reached home from work today, I just went to bed..tido sampai pukul 7.30pm...Ikutkan hati, nak jerrr tido terus sampai esok pagi..but then woke up and took shower..Ingatkan nak tolong aunti masak today, tapi nadai daya gak..Te lembau amat amat ku saritok...Hehehe..It's ok lah..They know it already..I seldom sleep late in the evening unless I really feel exhausted or I don't feel well...

Now, online my Facebook while typing here...My phone??? I put it on silent mode, and put it out from my sight..Nganganganga...Don't want to jaga my phone tonite..Takde pun orang message...Besides after this will be watching football Malaysia vs. Syria..Hehehehe..Nice haaaaaaaaaaaa....

Just now watching berita..ada ka patut bunuh baby yang baru lahir then bungkus put in the toilet???? Nang gila babi taik kucing apa ndak ka otak orang ya..orang lain susah payah nak dapat anak, nya nyaman nyaman buang anak..Although I don't prefer kids, but at least I know buang baby ya kesalahan bahhhhhhhh...If you don't want anak, use protection, stupid!!! How come senang senang buang anak without feeling guilty or apa-apa lah??? Nang sikda hati perut langsung...Give la to people if don't want..They deserve to see the world too..

Eeeeeee..Jari ku bau belacan..makai sambal asam campur ngau belacan ngau cili..besttttttt ehhhhhhhhh...Asai te ka makai burger jak..Namahal ho??? Dasar food-lover!!!! Kahkahkahkah..!!!! Entah apa apa jak nak di taip ku sitok..sikda faedah pun..saja saja jak memenuhkan blog tok..dah sikda keja gik,ne ndak..hehehe....

It's never been said and never been done....

This one specially dedicated to you, J.W.....I couldn't even type your full name..I just don't want to...Three years, and I don't feel anything..Sometimes I really miss you and wishing you were still breathing...sometimes I totally forget you...and then the next thing I found was that obituary advert in the Today's Catholic..accidentally saw it..that morning I saw the paper on the seat inside the car but I just felt sooooo damn berat hati to take it and read the paper..but lastly, I just picked it up and turned to the first page, second page..and next next page till my eyes caught on something..It was your picture...Three years has passed, and I never expect to see it again...felt like crying at that time..really miss you sometimes..guess too much things that I've regretted before about us..I still could remember the last time we met..we just didn't talk..and the last thing I knew, you were standing right beside me, whispering something that none of us wanted to hear..

J.W. : " This will be the last time I'll speak to you..I know there is someone here doesn't want us to talk to each other, and you know who..."

And I was standing still, I couldn't move, susah nak bernafas..And I was about to cry..and you just walked away..and all I can do at that, I turned back and watching you leaving..tears on my face..I turned to the front and walked away too..and you were wearing red t-shirt and jeans....

Many months after the last time I saw you....
The next thing I found out..my friend all the way from Miri called me early in the morning just to tell me to check the newspaper...One week or two weeks after your enrollment to OUM, Mati lemas and mayat tidak dijumpai...and all I could do, baring di tilam and crying the whole day....waiting patiently for the latest news..After three days, they found you...

The most hardest part was the day of your funeral.. Ya, I attended your funeral..went to your last mass..I was crying at the mass..dari mula sampai they sent you to the grave..I just couldn't tahan my tears..I've tried but I couldn't....sad..very very sad....

It's never been said.....keeping it all to myself...just between you and me..
Since you have been gone, knowing the fact that you will never come back, I still dial and sms to your number, hoping that one day you will reply me..but you never did..I miss your calls, and I miss your sms, and I miss you too....I miss the way you sing, the way you play the guitar, drum at the BM Mass at St.Jo Cathedral..That's why I never go to that mass again...rasa sayu, and always ended up in tears...I miss everything about you..You will always in my memory.....keeping it all safely in my heart...

May you rest in peace, Will.......

Stepping Stone..I love this song and Duffy too....

I remember way back way back when
I said i never wanna see your face again
Cause you were loving yes you're loving somebody else
And I knew oh yes I knew I couldn't control myself
And now they bring you back into my life again
And so I put on a face just like your friend's
But I think you know oh yes you know whats going on
Cause the feelings in me oh yes in me are burning strong


But I will never be your stepping stone
Take it all or leave me alone
I will never be your stepping stone
I'm standing upright on my own

You used to call me up from time to time
And it would be so hard for me not to cross the line 
The words of love layed on my lips just like a curse
And i knew oh yes i knew they'd only make it worse
And now you have the nerve to play along
Just like the maestro beats in a song
You got your kicks you get your kicks from playing me
And the less you give the more i want so foolishly

But I will never be your stepping stone
Take it all or leave me alone
I will never be your stepping stone
I'm standing upright on my own...

No I will never be your stepping stone 
Take it all or leave me alone
I will never be your stepping stone 
I'm standing upright on my own

Never be your stepping stone
Take it all or leave me alone
I will never be your stepping stone
I'm standing upright on my own

Me, myself and I...my Heart vs. my Brain 3

17th November 2011 : Exam SPA untuk jawatan Pegawai Antidadah Gred S41...uiihhhh, boring betul exam...and yet, I was still a bit drunk when I attended the exam..gilerrrrrr lahhhh...sampai nak mengeja pun tak betulll..You really tried hard to waste your own life haaaa, Moon Zappa????...hehehe..rasa dirik terer gilak kali minum sampey sik ingat dunia...ish ish ish....Anyway, everything went well that day..If lucky, dapatlah pergi ke next level..If not, fail lah like that PTD exam..hurrrmmmmm

Ikutkan hati nak je escape that exam...but rezeki youuuuuu...manalah tau, untung nasib kannnnnn...dahlah..so tired..ada orang nak datang rumah..esok jer lah sambung lagi...not feeling well actually..love-bug....

Me, myself and I...my Heart vs. my Brain 2

Continue lagi...hehehe

Around 11.30pm, on the same date 13th November 2011, my phone berbunyi..actually I was expecting msg from org lain...skali buka, msg dari father. Father said, inek passed away around 8.15pm..she passed away peacefully..she even recited Our Father..she remember her children's name and her cucu..She will be brought back to kampung early morning tomorrow...

And me, I didn't reply my father's msg coz I just didn't know what to say..termenung sekejap lepas baca that msg..then I msg my abang,Caesar..."Ko ada dapat msg bapak sik?Inek dah sikda..."

My brother replied,"Ada nya msg..ku dah tido tadik sebenarnya..."

Then I didn't reply him back..I turned my right, termenung then cried....sedih bah.....I cried till I fell asleep..and bangun the next morning trus tak turun kerja..couldn't concentrate at all..so I just stayed at home waiting for them to pick me up..then, don't want to tell again..not nyaman hati cerita....Pendek kata, my grandma passed away in peace..Love you, Grandma...

Me, myself and I...my Heart vs. my Brain 1

Inek passed away on the 13th November 2011..peacefully..she even recited Our Father before her death..Late evening on that day,

My father called me.."Your grandma passed away..,"sambil teresak-esak..

I heard it..hihihi..and I got panic and kept on asking when how why and everything..couldn't remember much..
Until at one point my father said,"Dengar dolok..belum habis cerita..ada cerita gik tok.."..

Then I stopped asking,"Oh,okay..I'm listening,"...

Father said,"Inek passed away around 7pm..Doctor pun already announced that she died.."..father paused sebentar, and me, in my heart,"I think I know the next line..."
Father sambung lagi,"And then you know, about 15 minutes after that, she's breathing again bahhhh..eeee...,"..

And me,"Emmm..benar kah???"..Father,"Benarlahhh"
And me,automatically, and couldn't control myself, I just,"Kahkahkahkah!!!Benar-benar kah???Hahahahahahaha..hehehe..kuat na semangat inek.."

Father pun, mula-mula ada bunyi teresak-esak macam baru lepas nangis,terus jadi,"Hehehehe..yalah..miracles bah..but then doctor said maybe she will live for another 2 or 3 hours coz her organs are all malfunction,except for her heart and her brain..."

Me,"Oooo...apa-apa kelak, you people inform me lah,k.."

Father,"Ok..if anything I'll call you again..maybe I'll be going to kampung to prepare the house for her last homecoming.."

Me,"Ok.."...off the line....

P/s: At this time, I was buzy menggoreng kerepek pisang..sambil tersenyum senyum and sumtimes ketawa kecil ngenang inek dah parai tapi hidup balik..I love my grandma..besides she was so small in size and looked so cute..just like me..ngeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:)

Bla bla bla bla..there Moon goes again...hurrrrmmmmmmm

Dunno how to start and dunno what to write..now, watching Hitz TV Club Hits, online my FB and try to write sumthing..What to type,haaaaaaaaa?????? Bore bored boring super boring super duper boring...........what else?... Work was fine today..Me too fine..laughed a lot today..In fact we people in the office sempat lagi menilik tapak tangan and they tried to guess my jodoh..ambooiiii, pandai pandai jerrr diaorang tu...hahaha..I had so much fun there...hilang semua stress...

Bila dikenang next year, terasa takut..how does the environment of the school? Totally different laaaaaaaa..There Moon goes...Going back to the old routine..datang sekolah, mengajar, pulang sekolah, tido, buat kerja sekolah, lesson plan..There will be less social activities..hurrrmmmmm...How lehhhh???? Hehehe..and yet the school hours is longer than the government school...how come? But then the good news is that there will be no school on Saturday and Sunday...Yeeepeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!

Thinking of finding a home near to that area..memang I don't want to drive that far..and I need to save my time too, and also energy...Today I didn't help in the kitchen..hari ni budak-budak tolong masak..hehehe..Out for now..Chowwwwwww

........~ Breaking the SECRET ~.................

10 things you have to know about ME!!!! (Oppppsssss! can I add one more and make it 11???)

1. I'm a sensitive person..very very sensitive..So, please mind your word.. :)

2. Whenever I say I don't care, I don't really mean it...I still care, but not really that care laaaaaaaa......

3. I have hard time if I started to laugh..I can hardly stop myself..I can't even see or hear any weird words or apa-apa word yang pelik, I can just laugh at it...haabbbbbbbbiiiiitttttttt... :D

4. Nemu kitak, enti dibanding makai enggau tinduk, rela gik ku tinduk..hmmmmm..heaven, I tell youuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!

5. I listen to any musics..from rock to ballad, from country to modern..apa-apa jak lah...

6. I LOVEEEEEEEEEEE my kaki especially the knees until toes very much... don't know whyyyy..

7. I HATEEEEEEEEEEEE my tummy..blueerrkkkkkkk

8. When I care for someone, it means that I really care.. but care doesn't mean that I'm in love..

9. LOVE: I want a person who can take care of me, knows his responsibilities, respect me and my parent, love me for who I am...SIMPLE!

10. I like to flirt around..sometimes...hehehehe..dangerous betullllllll :)

This part, I just don't want any of you to interfere...

11. Don't question my Christianity, my relationship with God..that's none of your business to judge me.. =)

One of my favorite song...Cheerssssssss!!!!

Cause I’m all about him him him him him
And his all about me me me me me
And we don’t give a dang dang dang dang dang
About nobody-e-e-e (x2)

Had him shooting for me like a?
Every guy was a knock out, ?
But not none of um had?
That’s my thing
It’s not enough to have boss
One day by starbucks
I bumped into a guy rocking black chucks
He said excuse me beautiful

I said aww chucks
Then he asked for hey wanna grab lunch?

Never ever ever met a guy so fly
Got me hooked like apple pie-i
Think I’m falling and I dno why
But I won’t fight these butterflies

Cause I’m all about him him him him him
And his all about me me me me me
And we don’t give a dang dang dang dang dang
About nobody-e-e-e (x2)

And I swear what we have just is super cool
The way his always in my head like a blue?
I got a text from him he said just come through
Told me he wants to kick it kungfu
Don’t do nothing much at all
Just me and his boys watching football
He asked for a kiss so I gave him two
He said why thank you baby

I said your welcome boo
Never ever ever met a guy so fly
Got me hooked like apple pie-i
Think I’m falling and I dno why
But I won’t fight these butterflies

Cause I’m all about him him him him him
And his all about me me me me me
And we don’t give a dang dang dang dang dang
About nobody-e-e-e (x2)

No I don’t need no fancy cars
And I don’t need no diamond rings
My babys all I need and more
Cause I don’t need those extra things

It’s not about you (it’s not about you)
It’s not about them (it’s not about them)
It’s all about me (it’s all about me)
And it’s all about him (it’s all about him)

Yh (x11)
Said it’s all about him

Cause I’m all about him him him him him
And his all about me me me me me
And we don’t give a dang dang dang dang dang
About nobody-e-e-e (x2)

Cause I’m all about him
Cause I’m all about him
I’m all about him
We don’t give a dang dang dang
It’s all about you
It’s all about you boy
It’s all about you

Okayhh!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeee ittttttttt.........and please don't think that everything I posted here is all about my ex...What past is past, future much important..Looking forward to have a good journey in my life...should I leave you with a kiss???hahahahaha..MUUUaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh ...xoxo

Reviewed of me by www.deideian.com

Moon Zappa - individu ini saya anggap sebagai saudara saya sendiri kerana sikap keprihatinannya terhadap permasalahan orang lain, baik hati dan sentiasa bersikap tenang dan bersahaja. cemerlang dalam pelajaran dan genius dalam kebanyakkan subjek. seorang yang perahsia dan bersikap " air yang tenang jangan disangka tiada ultraman". jika anda bertemu dengan dia, jangan sesekali bersikap sombong kerana itu adalah tindakan yang foolish. hahaha

This is what I've found in his blog..By the way, who is this guy anyway that dare to write something about me for his blog??? Cracked~ ~ ~ ~ hahaha..He's one of my housemates during my university years...kira my brother lah also...one of the penghuni LANGKAU BIRU because the paint of the house is blue.. he sang a song for the rat that he caught in the house before killing it....murderer betul....siap main gitar lagi..kesian...

Anyway, thanks Deideian for giving a reviewed on me..hahahahaha..lots of memories there...:)

Acha Septriasa ~ Sampai Menutup Mata ~

Embun di pagi buta
Menebarkan bau asa
Detik demi detik ku hitung
Inikah saat ku pergi

Oh Tuhan ku cinta dia
Berikanlah aku hidup
Takkan ku sakiti dia
Hukum aku bila terjadi

Aku tak mudah untuk mencintai
Aku tak mudah mengaku ku cinta
Aku tak mudah mengatakan
Aku jatuh cinta

Senandungku hanya untuk cinta
Tirakatku hanya untuk engkau
Tiada dusta sumpah ku cinta
Sampai ku menutup mata
Cintaku sampai ku menutup mata

Oh Tuhan ku cinta dia
Berikanlah aku hidup
Takkan ku sakiti dia
Hukum aku bila terjadi

What to do....

            Hmmmm..it's been a while since the last time I posted something here..I don't know what to type actually..have many things in my mind but I just don't know where to start..want to condemn people,ha???Nope!I duon't have the heart to do that..What about praise people???Nahhhhh!!!Buang masa jerrrrr....hehehehe..Tomorrow will be going out from Kuching..I love being far from Kuching..Far mehhh??? No laaaaahhhh!!!( Do u see that 'lah" word there?Typicall Malaysian with the 'lah'..hard to get rid of adding that to the sentences..habitttt...)...
            Tomorrow until Monday will be staying at a kampung with no phone coverage, no internet, no electricity..Wahhhhh, how wonderfull does it sound???Pretty amazing,haaaaa..hehehe..Guess it will bring me back to my old memories of my own kampung..still remember when I was in primary school, time Gawai and Christmas, the most scariest sentence was "BALIK KAMPUNG"...hahaha..mana tak nyerrr, we had to jalan kaki, went into the jungle, crossing river, naik turun bukit for 3 to 5 hours..I tell you, SAAKIIIITTTTTTT...Tuhan jak lah yang faham rasa hati time tu..besides, we were still small, still a kid...imagine jak jalan berjam jam just to get back to kampung..atleast we were still kid, and didn't have to carry anything..our parents had to carry our bags, all those kuih-kuih, air gas untuk perayaan..then,at certain points, we would stop for rest..duduk-duduk, rehat, makan isi perut..then continue walking..hmmmm
           For many years had to go through all those..but now, huh..petik jari jerrrr...jalanraya pun dah ada..phone coverage pun dah ada..just bekalan air jerrr yang masih takde..nehhhhhh..masih juga mandi air gunung...and today,hahahahahaha..soalan bonus from my friends to me.."MOON, SAPA NAMA INEK DIK?" ..and there I was termenung berfikir what is my grandmother's name????..adooiiiiii..hahahaha..After trying hard to memorise the name, last-last mengalah juga..terus sms orang d rumah,"SAPA NAMA INEK?"...apa punya cucu lah..hehehe..
           It's raining now..still at the office..doing nothing..checking my FB, typing this post..what else to do..I'll be missing my company sooner..honestly say, I really like the environment..but what to do, dah namanya kerja...sooner or later still have to face all those things..next year going to be in a new environment and I feel so nervous everytime when I'm thinking about it..just hoping that everything will work out well..:)

Because of MORE MORE

Today is a history..the first time I baked biscuits MORE MORE with Susan Bernadine..aiyoooo..hahahaha..we were very confident preparing the ingredients according to her mother's recipe..buat punya lah buat, I noticed something wrong with the dough..HARD, WEIRD, STRANGE,..segala galanya lah..then uli punyalah uli (if onl an hour or two,no problem..tapi siap dibakar lagi tu,uli punya uli sampai 3 jam lebih..apakah??!!)..rasa punya rasa,testing punya testing, aiyooo,the biscuits were so hard..hahahaha..lastly, both of us had to sms our PENYELAMAT..Me,of course I sms my kembar lah..tanya punya tanya,haiiyaaaa..EGGS!!!!!!!!Use the yellow one not the white one..eeerrrggghhhh..no wonder dough keras semacam..Susan had to call her boyfriend and then his mother instructed the both of us through the phone..ala ala lagu KISS ME THRU' THE PHONE jak..hahahaha..baking biscuits thru the phone..that was so modern!!!!!!!!!..around 6pm,the dough was just nice,perfect..fuuhhhhhhh...it was tiring..but worth it...hehehehe..MORE MORE are ready to serve but the taste emmmmm BOLEH BOLEH LAH..hehehe..learn from experienced and mistakes, the third time doing it will be just perfect!

(sayang lah..no pictures to upload..if not,surely you people don't want to eat the first try of the baked biscuits..hehehe)

Spending time...

Sementara belum kerja,aku lepak lepak je kerja..pas ni,maybe takde masa nak goyang kaki lagi...kerja pun susah nak dapat..(ke sebab malas nak cari???)...update blog pun dah boring..time tak menulis nanti,banyak pula idea..tapi bila dah start menaip,semua idea hilang..memang jenis yang makan dalam hati jer lah nieeeeeeee.........takkan nak taip and marah marah orang kat blog..kena saman nanti..nak meluahkan perasaan pun,eee nanti semua orang baca..tak best pula..sharing the deepest part inside my heart is just evolved around those who I know only..

What else?..Pasal hati jangan dicerita..biarlah rahsia and aku simpan sendiri...biar diri sendiri jer yang rasa sakit..When June comes,maybe akan lama tak online..i have things to do..then comes July, lagilah kurang masa coz tanggungjawab time tu nanti,lagi besar...harap harap semua itu akan menjadi pengubat hati..kata orang,kalau buzy,otak tak banyak berfikir..But apa apapun, I leave my prayer to you,Lord.. I know You know the best thing for me..I'll leave it to You and I have faith in You..

Errrmmmm..i really need someone to construct my blog..malas bebenar nak buat sendiri..Have a nice day,everyone!

Even angels learn how to fly...

Many things happened lately..but those that happened open my eyes...we never know how does it feel to get hurt until we fall down on our knees...luckily I fell down early,so the next time I will know what I should do in the future..Now,I learn how to fly so that next time when I fall, I know what to do and how to heal myself...

Still on the same day

On the 13th of April 2011, received news from my village..my auntie's husband passed away..couldn't believe it at all..then back to town, knowing the news(my previous post), it just broke me from the inside..O Lord..this is too much for me to take at one time...cubalah slow slow broke the news...

It almost comes to the end.......

What should I say..it's almost comes to the end....I still couldn't think wisely...Whether this relationship can survive or not, I just can't say anything at all...I've decided to call it OFF...but him,I still don't get any answer from him..very the selamba...and acting as if nothing had happened...and it left me with a confusion whether this relationship still on or already off........

Get to know ME a bit, that's MORE than ENOUGH...

So,I started my first blog using this colour-PURPLE..
Still have no idea what to post,and what to write,or should I say,TYPE??...
Give me a week,I'll give you something to read on..

Anyway,I would like to WELCOME you to my page..hahaha..Thanks to Deideian Dunstan for telling me to do this..