Tiny cut but it stings

I went to my cousin's home today after work. Walked out of my car while I was on the phone with my aunt and uncle. Walking up the stairs when suddenly I tripped over my feet and uuuurrgghhh!!!

I screamed. 😱😱😱😱😱
Terasa bodohnya kat situ. 💁‍♀️💁‍♀️💁‍♀️💁‍♀️

I literally screamed. In my everyday, it would be almost impossible to hear me scream. But today, at that very stairs, I screamed. Gosshhhh

I got up quickly although I couldn't balancing myself. My other hand still tightly holding onto my phone. 
So the fcuk me. Luckily no one was there. 

I got a small cut on my left knee prior to that incident. I almost cried but since I was on the phone, I tahan myself. I quickly ended my phone call with my aunt and uncle. 

Walking slowly upstairs.. It felt hurt.. And it's hurting me now. It gets painful when I was taking my bath just now. Seriously painful when the cut got direct contact with water. It stings. It was just a small cut but it does hurt me a lot. 

P/s: Pray for my grandpa who is hospitalised for almost a week now. He is still unconscious.