Happy Wedding Day!

Happy Wedding Day to our friends, Ghemilian and Sonita!

Both were my university friends.
And their wedding day also became our first mini reunion. Sonita and I had known each other since 2004. We attended the same school during our Form 6 and met again when we entered university. And I knew Ghemilian in university. Never thought the two will be together tho.
That's life. You will never know what will happen next. Wishing the two have a great life together.

Goshhh. Met other friends as well. Been living in Kuching but still very hard to meet each other.

Now photos time!

Me and my foster sister. Haven't met her for a bout 6 months. Haven't get the chance to go home. Since we've been friends with Sonita, hence attended the same wedding.

Opps! Tuan Inspector Police! Bro-in-law

This girl haaaaa
We were in the same class for one year and a half.
Lower and Upper 6 Science 3. We were taking Biology.
Almost didn't recognize her. There was one schoolmate attended too. She knew me, but I just couldn't remember her name. 

Mini Reunion with the couple

And the friends
Good to see them although not all of them were here.
Glad to know that each of us have our own career.
Most of us involve in the education line.


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