Koi No Yokan : Part Four.. and let the rest be a history.

 Continue from part three

Heh. You really want to know what did he ask the girl, righttttt???? Lol. Am going to keep it a secret. Am not going to put it up here. 

And let the rest be a history.. Let's wish him a good luck with the chasing!! Chaiyokk, bro!!! You can do it! Positive positive vibes.

Koi No Yokan : Part Three

 Continue from Koi NoYokan : Part 2

Koi No Yokan : Part Two

Continue from the previous entry

And this was the highlight of this entry title 

Koi No Yokan : Part One

BlackBox was one of my housemates during my university years.. Yup, BlackBox. He said, change my name before you upload. Well well well. I have nothing to update. So, I serve you with these conversations between me and BlackBox. 

It's not that we do not want to contribute back to the society, but keep it simple, give it to someone else who really can devote and commit themselves to the job. Teaching is not easy, people, especially with this new generation which is totally different from the past generations. As for me, I think teaching suits me well but not teaching in secondary or primary schools. Am good in higher institution. Me and maybe some out there, it is not the money or the status of the job that attract us. But it is more to the nature of the job itself. Education is a very wide field. As long as you keep on working hard, find ways and willing to take risks, you will be landing on the right track. So, good luck to everyone who are currently involve in this field named EDUCATION.

To be continued........

The haze

What to say.. Should we I cherish it or condemn it? Aaaaaa, I'm not so sure too. It was raining few minutes ago, now nothing. Just few drops of rain, feeling thankful, for at least it rains.

I have to attend meeting at 3pm. 23 minutes to go. I have no idea what the meeting is all about. Will update here later on.

Meeting is cancelled. It was nothing important.

LAN BERAMBEH 2015 ~~ One week to go

 This is an awesome event for anak-anak Sarawak and plus everyone are welcome. So, spend some times to drop by and enjoy the event. Heard that many activities will be held on that day. Iboh malu malu indah. Datang jak sia. Sik selalu pun dapat pegi nakkk.

 Below are the details.

 Photos taken from Facebook of YB Hajah Nancy Shukri (Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri)
Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/pejabat.nancy?fref=ts

For more information you may visit this Facebook page 

Have fun and enjoy the awesome day, everyone! One week to go!

Million things

Million things running in and out of my brain. I feel heavy heart because of it...
Million things running in and out of my brain. And it makes me lost in my own thinking. Not knowing the exact things that I am thinking...
Million things running in and out of my brain. I am frozen in my own space. Not knowing what to do and how to say it out loud...
Million things running in and out of my brain. I feel hopeless.
Million things running in and out of my brain. I just do not know where to go...
Million things running in and out of my brain. If only you feel what I feel right now...
Million things running in and out of my brain. If only..........................

-Appaz Noom-
Thursday, October 15th, 2015


Do you really read things I posted here? How does it feels like reading someone's days? Feeling good? Does it helps you to feel thankful and feeling better with your current situation? 

Seriously, I've been wandering on this for this whole day. I hope it won't make your day worsen.

Days go by

I have no idea on what I had been doing during my leave and weekend. I did nothing. Just wandering around town with family, stayed at home watching tv, listening to good musics, spring cleaning the room. Oh gosh. Talking about room. Its kinda funny how me and my cousins could stay in that room with all the mess. Felt so so so relieved after cleaning the room. Life been busy lately. Got no time to do the cleaning.

Good news. I have settled everything on my car. Feeling blessed and thankful for everything. The insurance covered everything on the car cost. Therefore, my first car which I bought and owned for almost two years is officially in memory. Glad that I am still alive today and survived the accident. I love the car as I really worked hard to own it. Now, it didn't exist as every parts of it cramped and crushed during the accident. Mom asked when do I plan to buy a new one. I told her, not too soon. Will buy a new one before end of this year. I really need to construct back everything as I plan to further my study in September 2016. Quite a long plan. It is indeed a long-term planning. Still thinking and have not decide on what to study. Still weighing every options and choices. I don't know how the plan will help me in the future, but I believe the turn out will be good. It should be good. It is an investment which you can't barely see the expectations and the routes it will take you to. Praying it will go smoothly.

Work? As usual. Nothing much. The same old routines. Except for the subjects taught and number of students will give me challenges. Received two unfamiliar subjects which I have never taught before. I think I will need to study a bit before the opening new semester next week. Not I think, I must and I need to study. Assessment in Education and Testing & Evaluation in Education. I never teach those before. And I expect there will be loads of calculations and analysis. The burden as an educator is there and it never decrease. Ok. Now let's stop talking on work.

I'll continue later... Try to keep the entry as short as possible.