Makan Makan

So, my cousin hosted makan-makan yesterday at home. Open house for her co-workers and also few friends of whoever at home yesterday.
(Gosh, I was working yesterday).

When we have makan-makan, of course we have foods. Here are the photos.

The Menus
1. BeeHoon Belacan or is it Belacan Beehoon? Whichever you like. Hahaha. (Do I have to translate this one?) If translated it's something like Rice vermicelli in shrimp paste gravy. Yup! You read that right. My favorite. Seriously. But only when my auntie cooks it. Other people, I don't eat. They are not expert like my auntie when preparing this dish. Seriously. 
And I would like to proclaim this one although am not too sure about it. BeeHoon Belacan can only be found here in Sarawak, especially in Kuching. This one am not sure. But so far, I can't find it at other parst of Malaysia. Dunno lerrrr. The ingredients and how to make? Heh, malas. I don't want to type or reveal it here. I would like to consider this recipe of my auntie is a SACRED and TOP-SECRET one. The tastiness and the deliciousness of the dish is lies on that one and only main ingredient. I know you can Google the recipe, but trust me. My auntie's recipe is the BEST IN THE WORLD.👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍💖💖💖💖💖
Nahhh, eat the photo only. Hahahaha

2. Soto Bandung. This one is a bit ironic. Hahaha. It's not exactly Soto Bandung like the one in Indonesia. This one has been modified by my cousin's wife. The original one, the chicken is fried, but my cousin's wife, she boiled the chicken. It actually good as it cuts off the oily part of the dish. The original recipe is passed on to her by her brother's wife who hails from Surabaya or Bandung, Indonesia. I can't remember. This Soto you can never find anywhere else. One of the best dishes we have in the family. Recipe? Nope. Email me if you want the recipe.
Photo photo photo

3. Kari Dhal Daging + Nasi Putih. How to translate haaaaaa?? Beef Curry with Dhal? Hahaha. And white fragrance rice. Marvelous! Superb! 
Ok. Let's wrap up. None of the above are mine as I was working on that day. Saya pulang rumah terus makan saja

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