Reflect back... 8th September 2012.. Saturday...

I don't know why I got so emotional yesterday during sunset mass.. Everything went smooth until the very last mass where I broke into tears... I couldn't help it.... The feeling and the things that happened, it's already a year but it seemed that I couldn't get rid everything from me.. Looking at where I used to sit during mass with him, it just robbed my heart away.. And the question where did we do wrong always appear in my mind and I just can't get any answer for the question.. but God knows what is the best for me.. And with faith, I trust in Him as He will lead my way... Believe that everything happens for a reason, give thanks for everything.. bad things never come from God.. Good things come from God, bad things happen because of human faults.. I always remember those to keep me strong and be tough in my heart.. Sometimes I seemed lost in my life, but most of the time, I will get my way back to God.. And I am very thankful for He is always there for me to guide me whenever I need him to be there.. without doubt.. Maybe that's why I broke into tears in the church yesterday.. Thank you for everything You have given to me, dear Lord... I may not understand everything but I give and trust my life and my destiny in You, God.....

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