Selamat Hari Raya 2016, Kuching!

Selamat Hari Raya 2016, semua! 

This year we didn't take much photos. Too busy preparing and serving foods during open house. Too busy serving chit chat with the guests. We had open house on the first day, second day and fourth day. And we really meant open house where our friends and relatives came and makan makan whatever we served them. And we really cooked for that three days. Only on the fifth day we could go for open house by the other cousin at kampung here. 

Tadaaaaa! Taken at the riverside near kampung nombor

And this Raya too we got to meet our long-time-no-see cousin who work as a seafarer. So far he is the co-pilot of the ship he's been working now. It was a really good timing that the ship dropped by Kuching for two days during Raya. That was the second time I met him. Hahaha. And he told us he hasn't been on land for almost five months now. His mother is my father's little sister. I know, we have different faiths in our family yet bonding very well. Feel so blessed by this. 

Cousin in red/dark maroon t-shirt

And me, I got to meet few friends of mine. We only meet once a year through this kind of celebration but friendship is still going strong. Yeahhhh!!! Thank you for coming. Really miss you guys a lot. Funny how we live in the same city but only get to meet once a year or during celebration like this. 

Thank you for making this celebration meriah!!! Hehehe
I know right, I celebrate almost all seasons here. I celebrate Gawai, Christmas, Raya, Chinese New Year.. Phewwww. This is what happen when you have all different faiths and ethnicity in the family. 
Love my root very much.

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